Actinium-225 (Ac-225)

  • Dry Nitrate
  • We’re offering on site labelling service for magistral (gallenic) production applications.
  • Labelling services in your center would be finalized with our Alpha Probe TLC analysis to let you be safely release to use the final product on your patients.

Actinium-225 (Ac-225) is an isotope of actinium. It decays to Francium-221 through alpha decay with a half-life of    10 days and is an intermediate decay product in the Neptunium series (the decay chain that starts with Np-237). Although it is found in nature in very small amounts due to this decay chain, Ac-225 is entirely synthetic.

The decay properties of Actinium-225 make it suitable for use in targeted alpha therapy (TAT). Clinical trials have demonstrated the applicability of radiopharmaceuticals containing Ac-225 in treating various types of cancer.

Ac-225-labeled compounds are used to target various cancer types, including prostate cancer, neuroendocrine tumors, breast cancer, and leukemia.

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