Radiopharmaceutical Quality Control Equipment

miniGITA Single/Dual Radio TLC

Testing the radiochemical purity with TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) and the execution of basic gamma spectrometry are a routine for many nuclear medicine laboratories and SPECT or PET facilities. Having a reliable, easy-to-use system, meeting today’s standards in GMP and documentation rules is mandatory for optimal working conditions. By nature of the measurement scanning resolution, sensitivity, limit of detection, dynamic range and spectrum analysis need antipodal technical solutions.

It is a versatile state-of-the-art radio TLC system. The new motor technology reduces considerably the running noise. A complete range of detector probes allow the measurement of nearly every isotope. It is designed for optimal use in nuclear medicine, SPECT or PET laboratories.

Simply exchange the detector and the collimators to get the best performance for every application. Our detectors work gas free, ensuring long life time and low maintenance costs. The high sensitivity combined to the moving sample table allows a very fast analysis, with an average scanning time of less than 1 minute.

GxP features, spectrum scan capabilities and a basic half life time mode make the miniGITA a versatile system for your quality control lab.

Outstanding detection capabilities, excellent signal-to-noise ratio and optimal signal resolution make the miniGITA the perfect workhorse for your lab.

The complete miniGITA range was designed to be as flexible and adjustable as possible, to ensure the highest performance and the best compromise depending on your actual application. To avoid human errors, system settings and configurations will be detected automatically and stored in the electronic report. The new software allows 3 different measuring modes for chromatography, spectrum analysis and halflife time determination. The miniGITA family has been developed to have the best performance for the TLC with best sensitivity, dynamic range and signal resolution for the chromatography. The half-life time and the spectrum mode enable fast and simple analysis.

miniGITA Single

miniGITA Dual

Probes and Collimators:

miniGITA OFA (One fits all) Probe:

The One Fits All is based on our V-Shaped BGO technology. The crystal allows you to detect SPECT and PET isotopes. The special V-shaped gives the best resolution without a compromise of sensitivity. A broad range of collimators allows you to adapt the probe to a larger energy band. The detector also has a multichannel function and is suitable for basic spectrum scans.

miniGITA PET Probe:

The OFA New Gen Probe is based on a V-Shaped BGO probe ensuring optimal resolution with high sensitivity to SPECT and PET isotopes. The probe uses new electronics with increased dynamic range allowing you to use higher activities without signal saturation. A broad range of collimators allows the probe to be applied to a large energy range.

miniGITA 3SA Probe:

The 3SA (Self Shielded Spectrum Analysis) probe for self-shielded spectrum analysis has been designed to achieve optimal spectrum analysis when combined with our TLC scanner. To eliminate background problems, the probe is self-shielded. Like all miniGITA probes, it uses ECP technology and can be used in combination with several other Elysia instruments. Built-in high quality PMT is the best choice for spectrum analysis and nucleic identification.

miniGITA Alpha Probe:

The miniGITA Alpha probe has been designed to provide optimal alpha sensitivity when combined with our TLC scanner. The probe is based on a ZnS (Tl) scintillator connected to an SiPM, combining high efficiency for alpha radiation and low background for beta and gamma. Like all miniGITA probes, it uses ECP and can be used in combination with several other Elysia instruments.


To avoid human errors and obtain the best collimation, the miniGITA Dual has tungsten collimators with automatic recognition of GMP documentation.

miniGITA Dual collimator: 0-60 keV
miniGITA Dual collimator: 60-250 keV
miniGITA Dual collimator: 250-450 keV
miniGITA Dual collimator: > 450 keV



The miniGITA Single is directly controled with GINA X software with a digital signal transfer according to GMP/GLP standards. GINA is also used to control the radio-HPLC, the GC or the multichannel analyzer. This allows a faster adaptation and a short learning curve if you decide to use GINA for your QC systems. Background subtraction, a half-life-time correction and dead time correction are only some of the features included.

Radio HPLC

Radio-chromatography faces a lot of challenges. Depending on the application and the isotope, the request to sensitivity, dynamic range, resolution as well as radioprotection may be very different.

Elysia-Raytest proposes different combinations of radio detectors for PET and SPECT with dedicated HPLC combinations.

Elysia-Raytest has worked out special system combinations and modifications in order to deliver high performance solutions for dedicated applications.

Elysia-Raytest proposes ready-to-use solutions for the Quality control of different radio pharmaceutics such as 18F-FDG, 68Galium, 18F-choline, etc.

Each of these solutions can be delivered with a methodology, training, IQ/OQ and PQ.

Elysia-Raytest solutions are mainly based on Shimadzu or Agilent HPLC systems and a complete line of detectors such as UV, Refractive Index Detector (RID), Pulse Amperometric Detector (PAD) and Diode Array Detector (DAD) could be delivered.

Elysia-Raytest devices can be connected to any existing HPLC system, either using digital data transfer or an analogue-to-digital converter. Nearly every complete radio-HPLC system can be controlled using one of Elysia-Raytest software platform.

In addition, Elysia-Raytest delivers different HPLC pumps covering a broad range – from simple isocratic pumps up to quaternary µPLC pumps.

Radio Flow Detectors


The GABI Nova is a versatile state-of-the-art radio flow monitor optimally suited for radio flow measurements in nuclear medicine, SPECT or PET laboratories.

A large range of detector probes and flow cells allow the system to be applied to all types of activities and isotopes. The correct combination ensures the highest detection capability with the best signal to noise ratio for each application.

To ensure broad versatility, full integration into your radio-HPLC system and to gain lab space, we propose 3 different housings. The general housing is built to carry the entire lead castle and is placed directly under the lead shielding.

Two other housings have been designed to incorporate the GABI directly into the Agilent or the Shimadzu HPLC towers.

To obtain the best possible performance for all type of activities and isotopes, it is mandatory to adjust the combination of detector technology, scintillator, cell volume and shielding to your application.

With the GABI Nova we introduce the Elysia communication protocol, a complete new communication protocol. Simply change the detector/probe and the system will recognize the type and the serial number of your detector. This will give you a perfect documentation of your setup and enhance your GXP tools.

Direct control with one of our software solutions ensures a digital signal transfer and a complete integrated solution according to GMP/GLP standards.

GABI Nova can be controlled by Elysia-Raytest Gina software as well as by the Clarity software. Both evaluation software gives full control of the GABI, the digital transfer and data storage as well as the possibility to control the entire HPLC.

The GABI Nova can also be added as a standalone system to existing radio-HPLC systems in combination with software packages from other suppliers.


The POMO Nova is the latest member of Elysia-Raytest Radio-flow detector family for Beta +/- emitters for integration in our Radio-HPLC chain. Its high sensitivity for beta+ and Beta- particles makes it the detector of choice for your Radio pharmacy QC applications.

Elysia-Raytest high positron efficiency flow cells with low gamma response provide unique detection capabilities for PET isotope studies and ensure low background noise. The POMO Nova is perfectly suited for the quality control of PET tracers.

MCA (Multi Channel Analyser):


MUCHA Nova is Elysia-Raytest’s multi-channel-analyser for ɣ-spectroscopy.

The gamma radiation measuring system is designed for applications in nuclide laboratories for the determination of radio nuclide purity, for analysis of environmental samples or for determination of very low activities in food, water and waste samples.

The operation of the multi-channel-analyser is simple and self-explanatory. The user is guided by dialog on the screen. The parameter selection and operation are performed by touching a soft key on the screen.

Every screen offers all operational functions as needed for the analysis to be performed.

Display of the measured spectrum is live.

Periodic automatic energy calibration is obtained by using a suitable Cs-137 calibration source. Extended calibration through a suitable multi-nuclides source is also possible.

Selected nuclides are named with the activity unit. Background spectra can be accumulated and automatically subtracted for the selected measurement time at selected regions.

In order to offer a suitable spectrum display, a low, medium and high energy range can be selected.

At the end of any measurement the spectrum can be printed or stored  for further analysis in a centralized SQL Database.

MUCHA Nova is dedicated to radionuclides identification during radiopharmaceutical quality control (verification of radioisotope energy peak) and quantitative determination of radio-contaminants coming from cyclotron target or radioisotope generators.

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